Volume 2-1
February 22, 2002
We are issuing a Special
Newsletter to inform you of major additions to our Website since our last issue
in December. Our researchers aided by
our volunteers have discovered, transliterated and formatted much valuable new
information from the National Archives in Grodno.
Among the new postings you can
now view are the following:
Owners of Real Estate in
Pruzhany Uyzed for Pruzhany town for years 1852, 1910 & 1912 and Bereza for
the year 1910 – over 1800 entries
listing name, patronymic, street.
Currently being investigated are Shereshev, Malch, Selets, Lineve for
1910 and 1912; Narevka 1910 & 1914 and Bereza 1912; all of these documents
we have good reason to believe exist.
We have confirmation of lists of payers of State taxes from property
1912-1915 and owners of trade-industry enterprises 1913; they will be coming
soon. Also being investigated are
Revision Lists for 1853.
Emigration (Pruzaners) to
Argentina from Grodno Gubernia between the years1895 and 1902 - 1500 names.
a series of short lists, the names of Pruzhany Soldiers in the Years
1844,1870,1871,1873 and 1874.
News and Notes:
Yzkor Book translation projects are coming along nicely. Selets is 25% completed. More than 100 pages of Pruzhany, a very
large Yzkor, are translated and after formatting will soon be posted. Fully one half of Bereza is completed and
posted. Shershev and Malch were
completed some time ago and are posted.
PURS board is very proud of all of our accomplishments in the first year of our
existence. There are now in excess of
25,00 names in the lists that can be viewed in our website.
is still a great deal of information available in the archives that our researchers
can obtain. We are dependant upon your
support to enable this research to continue.
exists for the benefit of its members and your Board of Directors hope that you
have enjoyed your membership. Your
input is important to us, so kindly let us know how you feel about your Society
and its website. Send your comments to