Natan Shapira
In 1882 Mr. BERL RYBAK was elected Kartuz Bereza city Mayor and then
reelected nine times. RYBAK performed this function until German entrance in
Kartuz Bereza in 1915, that is to say during almost 33 years. Germans wanted
him to continue in this position, but after being advised by friends about responsibilities, city address
in war times, police, contact with German authorities among others, he reached
the conclusion that for this position was necessary a young and energetic person. The decision was to elect NAFTALY
LEVINSON, young and intelligent man, for Vice Mayor position.
During first 20 years in function, RYBAK didn't have any especial
problem . His work consisted on issuing passports, inspecting shepherding
fields and collecting special taxes to Jews, as for example meat tax and
candles tax. Together with four people, of which two should be non Jews, forced
population to pay official taxes. The rabbis of Kartuz Bereza didn't intervene
in city matters. The cause was rivalry and difficulty to speak existing among
In 1905 new winds began to blow , and as in other towns, also in Kartuz
Bereza turbulent groups arose. The gendarmes used to come to City Council to
watch behavior and places where suspects inhabited. It was evident that when
they suspected of somebody, nothing good
was waiting him. Town
Council was located in RYBAK's house
and every time a gendarme came to receive details on a suspicious Jew, they brought near him at once an appetizing
meal and a bottle of alcoholic drink.
The non Jew drank and drank, and meanwhile somebody of Rybak family ran
to prevent the suspect, who already
knew what should do.....
Kartuz Bereza Police Chief received a fixed bribe, as annual
compensation, so doesn't happen
anything bad to Jews of town.
Of 1905 events, I remember one
related to a Jewish soldier whose last name was HORWITZ that serviced in Kartuz Bereza. He was detained
by mistake and were waiting him very severe punishments. The case arrived to
youth's that integrated town revolutionary movement, and these decided to free
him. They knew detainee would be transported by main road. At preset hour, they
left in a sled, and faced those that took the detainee. One of youths stopped
guards to ask them something. When they stopped to answer him, he threw tobacco
on their eyes. In that moment HORWITZ escaped and occupied a place in
revolutionaries sled.
Military began to look for the detainee. Revolutionaries arrived at
RYBAK's house and demanded him to help hiding the Jew. RYBAK
had a brilliant idea: his house abutted police's commandant's house and the
attic of both houses were separated by a door. They hid HORWITZ in commandant's
attic!!. He was hidden there during two weeks, and when military controlled each car which left the
town, they didn't find him. When military tranquilized, HORWITZ escaped to a
town near Kartuz Bereza, and then he
left in train to Germany borders. After a time arrived of him a letter from
SHIMSHON DOVID SHAPIRA, intelligent man, Rybak's son-in-law, helped his
father-in-law in complicated cases.
With the help of SHAPIRA and with money of ISRAEL GRINBERG (one of richest Jews of
town), is founded in year 1905 a Jewish state mixed school, where
Russian was taught. About 120 Jewish students studied there. Until 1915 was
directed by teacher GIRASHOV.
With the help of both, SHAPIRA and GRINBERG, the first Savings and Loans
Fund is founded in year 1909
The Library had books in Russian, German and Yiddish, and was directed
by Shapira. Many youths went there to read.
In February 1919 Kartuz Bereza was conquered by Poles. The above
mentioned NAFTALY LEVINSON, was named Mayor. The son-in-law of SHAPRIA, YECHIEL
NISAN ZAKHEIM was named Under Mayor .
During about ten years was in this position,
until he resigned. He was a
studious and arrogant Jew, who defended interests of Jews with great effort. He
offered great and disinterested support to Jewish institutions.
In year 1939 ZAKHEIM returned to Kartuz Bereza. He participated in
community life, and during Nazi's
conquest tried alleviating Jews
suffering in Ghettos. He predicted the tragic end of Jews, with his wife LIBE SHAPIRO a dentist, and together with other
activists committed suicide the night before Ghetto's liquidation. Their two
children survived; both are outstanding engineers who activated in secret French Jew movements, and they fought from there with courage.