(Some memories)
This happened in the beginnings of 20's. The literary "group"
headed by PERETZ MARKISH conquered Jewish Warsaw. This literary group met in
Klomatzke St. 13, and became an interest
focus. In those days, I had concluded Warsaw Teachers Seminar and went
teaching to Kartuz Bereza, where Polish régime installed the famous
concentration field. The town was known by its two schools, one in Hebrew and
other in Yiddish. Their youth highlighted for leafy cultural attitude: library,
choir, wind instruments orchestra, and a drama theater group. It is necessary
to highlight that youth was active and
didn't had a rest.
First questions residents of Bereza - when I arrived - made me, were: What is happening in Warsaw?
You - as for granted know PERETZ MARKISH - , is it truth he is a great writer?
I didn't have doubts that each one of those that asked me, had read his famous
composition "Di Kupe" (The mound), and for sure they were embarrassed
of not having understood it.
In a School meeting, I suggested to invite MARKISH for a conference, and
the surprise was so big that reigned complete silence. Finally, the President
asked: do you are maybe talking seriously? Would this be possible? My suggestion
was accepted, we communicated immediately with Warsaw but we didn't receive an
After two weeks I received a postcard of MARKISH, in answer to my
invitation. He communicated that he would arrive for three days, from Friday
until Sunday. It is obvious to say that from this moment MARKISH's "visit
" to our town began. I worried that MARKISH would not disappoint the
community, and could behave himself in front of it. I knew very well his spirit
and his whims. He was used to Warsaw's
din, and I hoped he would not be depressed in our small town.
That Friday, together with my friends of School administration, went to train station that was distant
some km. of the city. Before train arrived, I commented my friends that MARKISH
would be for granted in bad mood after a long trip during whole night (the trip
from Warsaw to Bereza, lapsed from 11 p.m.
up to 8 a.m.). We came closer to the cart that was waiting for us. The
cart driver, father of school students, asked me with smiling eyes: this is
your MARKISH ? . The famous hair cowlick of MARKISH was jumbled. His face was
gray and tired, his eyes were almost closed. He was as he had shortened, due to
morning cold, and he were smaller. When we sit down in the car, we hardly
speak. Finally we arrived at hotel that was end of town. We waited him until he ordered himself in his room, took a
bath and had breakfast. I didn't wanted to leave him alone, and suggested him
to sleep. Also explained him that I
would sleep, because that day had not to
"Then, I go with you, I won't stay here alone ", he said.
"He already begins" I thought, and told him aloud: "Well, they come with me"
It was a pleasant summer day and the distance between the hotel and my
house was not too much. When we entered my room, sun shone all corners. Windows
were open, and of the orchard came up
fruits smell. "This is a true paradise, said MARKISH" and added
smiling: "Do you remember MOTEL, PEISY's the "Chazan" (ritual
chantor) son?. Do you teach in school symbolic aspect of this issue?. This book
is a blessing!. With only this issue, could be filled the whole studies
MARKISH began to step along the
room, and each instant he came closer to the open window. His face was
illuminated as if it absorbed all garden light.
At evening after dinner,
MARSKIH's conference was delivered in
living room of Yiddish School Theater
(it was a wooden construction, kind of summer theater that was settled
down with the effort of school activists). The living room was full. The spirit
was high. There was a feast sensation. Not only youths, also old men and
children came to see and to listen MARKISH. When the poet saw the auditory, he
was moved a lot. "It is a long time" murmured "I do not feel
fear before public". His eyes irradiated light and warmth.
"It is good to be able to speak to this public" he murmured.
"They understand and they feel", I answered him.
The issue was "The essence of poetry". We defined that
conference would last one hour, or as maximum one and a half hours. MARKISH
began his speech, and an absolute calm reigned in living room. At the beginning his voice was weak and trembling,
but soon he exalted, his voice grew, his eyes glowed, and his face paled and
for moments blushed. Everybody had the sensation that this man fought with his
multiple thoughts and feelings, and his effort was to be able to express them
in a clear and evident language. I listened
MARKISH many times , but this time was for my a new revelation. All his
body trembled. His hands, as wings, looked for to draw images in the air, and his
voice ascended and lowered, filling any hole in living room.
When MARKISH finished his conference, calm still reigned. Listeners were
not willing to end his words. Some
minutes later, applauses exploded. MARKISH sat down when his legs trembled.
"One more minute and I fell" murmured. Was pale, covered with
perspiration and breathed with
difficulty. His speech lasted three hours!.
After conference a snack in one
of the activists house was served . Atmosphere was warm and sincere, and there
were not speeches. MARKISH understood very well recognition, love and enthusiasm of people present there.
He was excited as a boy. He came close
to each one and kissed him. Many people
present were simple town people, the house owner was also a typical character
of "Tevie the Milkman"[ii]
MARKISH enjoyed his own jokes and his humor. At reception end, when MARKISH rises to say
some words, his eyes were full with tears. "I cannot speak dear people, I
love you so much ...I decided not to
travel on Sunday ...I will stay with you"!. It is easy to imagine
happiness that out brake after poet's announcement. "Then it is obvious
that we will toast a "Lechaim"[iii]
in honor to our dear guest"! one of the participants said. I was
perturbed, I did not suspect that house
owner would offer drinks immediately. MARKISH had asked me to keep him form
drinking alcohol. I should had announce that they don't serve alcoholic drinks,
but I forgot. Participants were surprised, how could I forget such an important
matter? There was an agreement: I would be forgiven of not having warned[iv],
with the condition that the following day fault was fixed...[v]
Next day on Saturday afternoon, was to be delivered MARKISH's second conference, about "The idea on
modern literature". Some hours before noon he was going for a walk in the
garden near my room. I hardly entered, when he continued with our interrupted
previous day chat.
I remained silent. In front of me was great poet MARKISH who more than
anybody introduced in Yiddish poetry the flame of Russian Revolution, and was one of most important poets. MARKISH
had faith in Russian Revolution as a
religious Jew has faith in Messiah's arrival. His second conference was not
less successful than the first one. MARKISH developed thoughts of modern literature, and mainly of poetry. In
doing this, he reflected the chaos of
revolutionary storm. The old forms of life would be destroyed, and new poetry
is not a sensible and very balanced thing, at the light of irrational human
At evening was carried out a farewell meeting. Participated a lot of
people. There were speeches and drinks. The meeting became a popular party. People danced and sang. MARKISH "stepped out the
measure" (drank too much). Meeting lasted until very late and when public
dispersed, we loaded the poet that was intoxicated of drink and of
participants' warmth.
In spite of his desire, MARKISH was not able to remain more time in
town, and following morning we accompanied him to train station. Suddenly, we
listen a sharp scream. We went back and saw MARKISH amid the route Brest-Moscow
with hands extended toward sky, claiming: "I want to return home! To my
house, to the country of Revolution!
." We grabbed him and brought him to hotel room, removed his clothes, put
him on bed, and took care of him whole night. The following morning, he told me
a little embarrassed: "I asked you not to give me alcoholic
In train station, MARKISH looked to town with nostalgia and murmured for
himself "How wonderful is Kartuz
Bereza! So dear Jews! For sure there
are many towns like this! They are a spring of Jewish life! It is necessary to
repair Jewish thought!"
From time to time I remember that night scene when Jewish poet PERETZ MARKISH stood in the
means of the route and said:
"I want to return to my house, to the country of Revolution!..."
In that moment we did not think of the possibility. Neither PERETZ
MARKISH thought that in the fire of that burning bramble, its most faithful
children would immolate on the blaze, those
who gave their lives to revolutionary ideal, among them own MARKISH.
Redaction Note: PERETZ MARKISH was murdered by communists headed by
Stalin (his descendants arrived to Jewish State)
[i] TN See translation in previous
[ii] TN Book by famous writer SHOLEM ALEICHEM
[iii] TN See translation in previous
[iv] TN not to offer alcoholic drinks
[v] TN and in this moment alcoholic
drinks would be served
[vi] TN wise man of old time who
introduced fundamental renovation in normative Jewish thought
[vii] TN Encounter places to study Bible
an religious norms
[viii] TN Religious movement appeared at
the end of XIX century, which introduced popular character of faith, accessible
to everyone.
[ix] TN Jewish workers socialist