Chava Smerlovsky (Epshtein)
I joined this movement in 1931. It's main objective was emigration to
Eretz Israel. In this movement were carried out meetings and night courses. We
collected money for the KKL, obtained by the sale of country products during
"Tu Bi'shvat" in which tree
festivity is celebrated. We carried out
encounters and there converged youth of all near towns. Adults of movement
" He'chalutz " traveled first to "Kibbutz Hachshará" (collective farm for
training future pioneers emigrant to
Israel), and they got ready to be adapted to certain ;ife and work conditions.
Were many collective farms, and life conditions were very hard.
Works which were carried out in collective farms were: domestic works, trees
pruning, etc. Also during two years were in Kartuz Bereza training groups.
There was activities in which participated our local branch together with the
collective farm. They tried to find work for movement members. They came to our
branch, and we visited them. They participated in all our meetings. As
consequence of difficult situation and lack of work in Kartuz Bereza,the place
was abandoned and it passed to a collective farm of a bigger city.
In year 1934 I went to a collective farm in YBETZBITZ. Together with
RIVKA TSHESLER Z"L (blessed her memory) we were sent to help farm members.
We staid there. It was a small town, and most of inhabitants were Christian.
There they had two sawmills whose owners and officials were Jews. Were in the
farm about 35 youths. Most of them worked in the sawmill, some in excavations,
women as nannies and in domestic works. At the beginning we lived in barracks
owned by the company, and then we passed to another housing.
Women worked also in the sawmill, conditions were difficult and there
was not work for all of us. We had a rich cultural activity, were carried out reflection night meetings, readings, and we had conferences.
Among youths was a group that know to act and represent. Were organized
representations, and there converged young of near towns.
After two years, Warsaw central offices decided to close the group. We
passed to the great city called Baranovitz. There were approximately 950 people . We inhabited a house owned by a rich Christian. We also had other
two houses in which we only slept. We made different works. We cut trees, worked in the sawmills and in
factories, women were nannies and
worked in domestic service. Life was not easy, especially in winter, but
anxiety to emigrate to Israel and youth happiness were so intense, that we
strengthened in spite of everything.
The house which the group used in Baranovitz had a reading room with
many books. In that room we carried out conferences, meetings and
representations. I remember that actor ELIA'HU GOLDENBERG Z"L (blessed his
memory) was with us some months, and
represented a show called: "Listen, England"! of NAIMAN. The
content of the play was about the limitations to obtain certificates to be able to enter Israel. The
show had great success. I remember we participated in May 1st. parade together
with Christian workers.
Sometimes visited us in training farm, friends that already lived in
" kibutzim " in Israel. A lot of youth was forced to remain many
years in training farms until getting emigration certificates. The movement
center in Warsaw looked other roads,
and " B " emigration began,
which consumed a lot of money for transfer expenses.
In year 1938, four years after having entered training farm, I emigrated
to Israel in an old and small ship of name " Atarta ". The captain
was Italian, and the poet NATAN ALTERMAN made for him a poem called
"Captain, Captain". For further security, before traveling, they told
us we would see Israel from far, but we
won't come closer... Obviously we accepted anything. TAIBEL BAYER AND MIRIAM
SIMONOVSKY of Vilna and VITA AVIGDOR GOLDBERG of Lodz, traveled before me, but
we joined them in Israel. It gives me a
lot of pain the town of Kartuz Bereza, and the many Jews that are no longer.