She was born in 1894 in Kartuz Bereza. Was a writer in Yiddish, studied
in a progressive Cheder and in a Russian secondary school. She was teacher of
the Hebrew kindergarten in Odessa, and worked with Jewish children refugees
victims of lootings and pogroms in Kiev. Then she was teacher in Jewish schools
in Warsaw. In 1935 he resided in New York. In the years 1950-52 she lived in
MOLODVSKY wrote a novel in dairy format titled "From Lublin to New
York". In 1942 she wrote a collection of short stories called "A
house with seven windows", and in 1957 she published a novel about life in
Israel. In 1967 published "In front of
hall door". Was considered a literary analyzer and a talented
redactor, publishing in 1950/52 "The house". Also published in New
York in 1943/44 "The society" which in years ' 50 was reissued and it
is still being published.
Later she was an outstanding poet. Her style was influenced by
expressionist poetry of the 20's. Most of her poems were written with free
rhythm and without rhymes. Her lyrical poems express her personal world, having
as model Jewish system of life. The last years she added to poems proverbs of
our sages, blessed be their memory, in "celestial Jerusalem" a kind
of a messianic dream.
Her first book of poems was "Nights of month of Cheshvan"
appeared in 1927 and her second was "Dzike" in 1933; both
strengthened her name as poet. Her poems written with beautiful simplicity,
were full with understanding and pity. The later poems are: "In the
country of my bones" in 1937; "The King David is alone" in 1946;
"Poems about the Holocaust" in 1962; "The light of the
bramble" in 1965. Very few writers can equal the warm style of her
infantile stories. Her infantile story "The shoes walk until the end of
world" is wonderful for its popular simplicity, for its humor and rich
imagination, and it was very dear for young readers. Her infantile poems are
written in rhyme, and with rhythmic accent near to daily language. They possess
a thematic and a style that reminds us popular poems.
In most of cases she gets charge of children world that inhabited poor
neighborhoods of Warsaw before WWII. She was able to introduce in those poems,
the happiness of the life of a boy that finds
comfort in his games even when he inhabits a poor ambient. In US she
continued writing for children, publishing "On the mountain" in 1935;
"Jewish Children" in 1945; and "On the roads of Zion" in
1947. "Open hall doors" is a Hebrew translation carried out by LEAH
GOLDBERG, NATAN ALTERMAN and others that still is dear to dozens of thousands
of childrens in Israel. Many of her poems have music, and in many schools,
especially in " Kibbutzim ", this material is used as a study issue.
Were also translated her poems "On the rivers", carried out by
SH. MELTZER, in the edition of the "Selection of poems in Yiddish"
published by M. BASUK in the year 5723, and "Of here and close"
published by M. CHALAMISH in year 5727.
(Extracted of
General Hebrew Encyclopedia, Jewish and of Eretz Israel company, carried out by
Encyclopedias Corp. Ed. Jerusalem, Tel
Aviv volume XXII , page 427)