DOV CHOMSKY who was President of
Hebrew Writers Union in Eretz
Israel, was one of those most outstanding children of Bereza.
Born in October 1913, he was one of those graduated in Tarbut School of
Kartuz Bereza. Then he studied in Hebrew Teachers Seminar in Vilna. In 1936 he
emigrates to Israel, and began to study
in Hebrew University of Jerusalem. DOV taught in schools in Jerusalem and Tel
CHOMSKY was member of the " Haganá " (army for the defense of
Israel) and during the events of 1936/39 he was in its active section, and in
the surveillance of Jerusalem area. In WWII was mobilized in Jewish brigade,
and lent services in North Africa and in Europe.
In year 1948 were correspondent for the Keren Ha'yesod in Poland. He
remained there half year and he was "connection man" with refugees
and survivors of Holocaust.
Beginning in 1931 he began to publish in newspapers and in Hebrew
literary collections in Israel and outside of this country. Among them "
Currents " (Vilna), "The youth" (New York), "The
world" (London), " In the road" (Warsaw), as well as and in the
periodics " Davar " ," Ha'aretz ", " Scale ",
"Pages" and " Gazit " (names of a town).
DOV CHOMSKY was President of the Hebrew Writers Union in Israel from
year 1958 until year 1974. He died
January 20 1976.
(Extracted from the
Encyclopedia written by DAVID TIDHAR, Section "Pioneers and Constructors
of Israel", volume IV, Tel Aviv).