PRUZHANY, May 23. 1857
Petition to build a hotel
Letter written by Orel Gershko Abramovich Hvatsky
Posted by Movsha Aron Bokker
Petition Signatories
Abramovich | Abel | |
Abramovich | Iser | |
Abramovich | Iosel | Ioselevich |
Abramovich | Yankel | |
Abramovich | Gershko | Leibkovich |
Abramovich | Elva | Gershkovich |
Abramovich | Kadsilev (?) | |
Averbuch | Hana | |
Averbuh | Yudel | |
Averbuh | Abram | |
Averbuh | Abram | |
Blyaher | Velvel | Froimovich |
Borker | Movsha Aron | |
Borker (or Barker) | Zelman Shlema | |
Braverman | Aron | |
Braverman | Itsko David | |
Chahanovsky | Etnan | |
Chehanovets | Hatsel | Leibovich |
Fishman | Srol | |
Goldvih | Haim | Haimovich |
Hvatsky | Orel Gershko | Abramovich |
Hvatsky | Shlema | Movshevich |
Hvatsky | Abram | |
Kaplan | Iosel | |
Kats | Iosel | Itskovich |
Kats | Iosel Haim | |
Kats | Lipman | |
Kats | Mishel | Ioselevich |
Kuzma | Gershel | |
Leiboshits | Widow Hana | |
Leiboshits | Yankel | Nahimovich |
Leiboshits | Itsko | Elievich |
Leiboshits | Leizer | Itskovich |
Lury | Movsha Leiba | |
Nitsberg | Itsko Sholem | |
Nitsberg | David Osher | |
Olshevsky | Nota | |
Olshevsky | Movsha | |
Pinhasevich | Shashel | |
Pinhovsky | Meer | |
Rudnitsky | Yudel | |
Segel | Shmuilo | Movshevich |
Shereshevsky | Leiba | |
Shereshevsky | Sapel | |
Tsukernik | Widow Meita | |
Tsukernik | Nail | |
Urvinsky | Tsadek | |
Yablum | Simka | Leizerovich |
Yunovich | Noil | |
Yunovich | Pinhas | |
Yustin | Yakov |
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